Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Sad Day

Today is a sad day, on of our seniors died this evening of an apparent suicide. He had a difficult life and decided to end it. This will be a difficult week and tommorow will be a tough day with our kids at school.

God will ease his pain now. Please say a prayer for Eddie and his lovcd ones!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Catching up....w/Coach Loom

Been awhile since I had free time to post on here. Work, coaching softball and attending to school and home activities has not allowed me much free time to access the computer at home. GHS JV softball team is 5-3 after knocking off Elmwood 6-5 tonight in a thriller second straight game we've won in our last at bat and still undefeated at home!

A fun group of girls who are coming together and continuing to improve! A good thing for me and I hope the girls can view me as someone other thatn the "mean old principal!"

Strange thing happened tn=onight, I logged on to the online course for learning podcasting that I have been participating in for the last three weeks and due to an executive order from the governor, our accesss to the course has been elimniated by budget freeze! Many unhappy students because we paid for this course! Stay tuned for updates!

Just signed up for a Twitter account. Anxious to see what the rage is all about!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rain, not snow....

All the snow of the winter is nearly gone and the flooding in Northwest Ohio has begun thanks to the melting and heavy rain all day today and overnight last night. The winter of 08-09 is one like I remember from my younger days. I have wished for a snowmobile like we had when we were young out at the farm and enjoyed the days and nights in Wolfie's Den listening to the stories told by Dad and Sam and Pete and Frankie and the whole crew.... although some would question their influence ant times, I really remember those days fondly. I wish my daughters could have had the chance to share in some of those experiences with many of those family and friends....

Amazing to me how times change and the concept of families moving off to different corners of the US and the world have occurred over the past 30 years.... The good old days somehow cannot be repeated, only remembered in our hearts and minds with a damp eye....

Our society has become more mobile, more digital and the tough economy is impacting people more than many of know at this heart breaks for some of the stories (kids) I am dealing with at school...the youth of today are living through times that are unkown to entire generations back to my parents and grandparents.....

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Northwest Ohio Weather and a Tribute to Uncle Nick and "Boney"

Man is it fun dealing with the 2009 winter in NW Ohio! More snow than we've had in a long time, and cold too! 3 above this morning at 9am. Snowfall last Tues-Wednesday of about 8-9" and now it's blowing like crazy still causing counties to go to level 2 and even leve 3 snow emergencies.

No fun being on crutches this winter let me tell you!

Sorry to hear about the passing of Uncle Nick and Kent's family dog "Boney" two great "guys" who will always be remembered for the joy they brought their families! Uncle Nick is now in heaven reuniting with old family and friends and I'll bet Boney and Skippy are telling each other tall tales about life with the Loomis kids in NC and OH:)

Our softball organization's Reverse Raffle is coming up on Feb 14th at the Moose Lodge in Fostoria. Hope the weather cooperates!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Britt is recovering from her procedures and I am recovering from my surgery. The good news is, they have discovered what was causing Britt's problems and it can be treated with medication and she should be back on her way to a full recovery very soon. I have been doing physical therapy and my ankle is painful but healing. I get my stitches out and will see if I can begin bearing any weigh on the ankle at my doctor's appointment on Monday!

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts, prayers and support for Britt and I! We appreciate it!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Just found out on Thursday I need surgery on my right ankle. Been having this problem for 18 months so I guess it's time to get it done. Actually the doctor didn't give me a choice, has to be done now or more problems will be in the near future.
Surgery is sscheduled for Monday at 2;30pm.

Will update as soon as I am able.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Opening Blog

Life is full of twists and turns, there certainly isn't a user's manual for parenting! Our youngest daughter has been battling a mysterious illness for 8 weeks now and it has turned her life upside down. Last night she found out that you never know who you can and can't trust... One of her classsmates at school and one of her basketball teammates was nasty on the text messaging on the phone telling her she had no business on the basketball team because she has missed so many practices. If she's sick, she should just drag a trash can out to practice and throw up in it when necessary. She further went on to state that the only reason Bubby made the team was because her dad is the principal.

What is frustrating is her coaches were aware of Bubby's illness and apparently haven't shared it with the team (or at least how sick she has been). Bubby's meeting with the coach tomorrow and i am afraid she's going to hang up her basketball shoes. This is certainly a difficult thing to deal with as an old coach, I don't ever want a kid to quit a team, but this drama is not worth the stress it's causing Bubby. She needs to focus on getting healthy and relieve the stress of the drama the hoops season has been causing.

Hopefully the tests at the hospital scheduled for next week will give us some answers and relieve some frustrations!