Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Even More New and Exciting

Well I am officially now 27 days into my new job as the Director of Technology and Instruction for The  Gibsonburg Exempted Village Schools I have learned a great deal in a short time, and one of the most important things I have learned is this: When we work in the field of education and we work closely with others we think we have a good idea of what they do in their job. Since moving into my new role I quickly discovered that I only had a vague idea of what a technology director really does.

It is an interesting job and one which really takes great people skills. Trying to support the technology for 100 staff members and 1100 students is a tremendous challenge for one person. Printers, computers, servers, phones, fax machines, oh yes and did I mention printers are problematic. Then if the wireless access points are making traffic too slow, people lose patience QUICKLY.

A few recommendations...Be sure to back up your documents and photos frequently!!  I recommend finding a cloud-based service such as Google to back up important docs and pics, in addition to your external hard drive or some other form of media. Cloud-based apps are free, or very low cost and as a Google engineer told me "your docs are sitting beside mine on a server, do you think we aren't going to keep things running and secure?"

The Director of Instruction part of my new position is one which I am very comfortable with. The new challenges of the upcoming new assessments in 2014-2015 are real, but certainly manageable with good planning and teamwork.

In other areas of our world...Amber is the new Cross Country Coach at Elgin High School outside of Marion, Ohio. They had their first Invitational last Saturday and she is already making a great impact on her runners, their effort and their attitude. Her excitement reminds me of my days as a cross country coach and my first meet back in the fall of 1988.....seems so long ago...yet I remember it like it was yesterday.

Stephanie is now 7 days into her senior year at BGSU and is planning for the fall softball season for the BG Club Team. She is also working at Buffalo Wild Wings and studying. So proud of her.

Brittany is now 7 days into her freshman year at BGSU. She has moved into her dorm and has a nice roommate. She'll be home for the long Labor Day weekend soon and I miss her (so do her doggies).

Love my family and friends!  God's Blessing to you all!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New and Exciting

New and exciting information from our family:
Amber and Mark Moore are now engaged!! Officially Since early yesterday morning (June 11, 2012). We are all happy and excited for them!!

Also..Amber has taken a new teaching position at Marion Elgin High School starting this fall. She will also be coaching track and possibly Cross-Country... They will be moving into an apartment in Delaware, Ohio at the end of the month.

Stephanie continues to live in Bowling Green this summer and is working at Buffalo Wild Wings. (BDubs) She has a new man in her life Mr. Alex Wohl and they seem to be very happy. She will be entering her final year at BGSU this fall and will be joined by her little sister, Brittany (Bubby) as a new Falcon in the BGSU Class of 2016. Bubby will be living in the dormitory and making new friends and experiencing college life first hand.

Peg and I continue to try to keep up with the girls and I think we both are a little nervous about this new thing called "empty nesting." We'll still have the dogs to keep us company :-)

Have a great day!
